WTO and TPP – A comparison of Vietnam’s commitments regarding investment in service sectors

The full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) has just been made available for public information. The table below tries to compare the existing commitments of Vietnam under WTO Agreement with the commitments under TPP for certain service sectors. Pdf version of the table can be downloaded here.

Comparative advertising in Vietnam

In Vietnam, comparative advertising is subject to the following regulations, among other things:

  • An advertisement must not contain direct comparison in terms of pricing, quality, and efficiency between the advertised products and products of other producers. It is not clear whether this prohibition only applies to direct reference to other producers or also to an implied reference. Therefore, references to logos, trademarks, tradenames and unique product features of other producers could arguably be viewed as direct comparison with such other producers. Use of mocked-up product sample to represent a generic type of product is possible as it does not refers to any specific producer.