For the first time, the Law on Prevention and Control of Harmful Effects of Alcohol Beverages (Law on Anti Alcohol 2019) was adopted by the National Assembly on 15 June 2019. Law on Anti Alcohol 2019 will take effect from 1 January 2020. Below are summaries of certain key issues of this:

·        The Law on Anti Alcohol 2019 provides new definition of spirit and beer; Accordingly, the scope of spirit in Law on Anti Alcohol 2019 is wider than that of Decree 105/2017 and includes spirits of less than 5% ABV;

·        Driving with alcoholic content in the blood or breath is prohibited regarless of the quantity of alcoholic content in the blood or breath;

·        Sales promotion of spirit and beer having 15% and more ABV are prohibited. However, it should be noted that under Decree 81/2018, promotion of all  spirits are prohibited regardless of its ABV level;

Rules of origin for goods manufactured in Vietnam market

In recent years, there have been various cases where manufacturers of goods using imported components in Vietnam are held to have violated the rules of origin when using the phrase “Made in Vietnam” (e.g., Asanzo, KhaiSilk, and Therefore, it is important to understand the rules of origin applicable for goods sold in Vietnam market. In this post, we will discuss the rules of origin under Vietnam domestic law and the rules of origin under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA).

The rules of origin applicable to imported and exported goods between ASEAN countries (including Vietnam) (ASEAN Goods) are provided under ATIGA. Whereas, under Vietnamese laws, there is no legal framework for determining the origin of goods manufactured and sold within Vietnam territory (Vietnam Domestic Goods). In particular, it is not clear which conditions or standards Vietnam Domestic Goods must satisfy so that they can be labelled “products of Vietnam”, “made in Vietnam” or the like.

According to Article 2(d) and Article 3(c) of WTO’s Agreement on Rules of Origin, WTO members must ensure that the rules of origin that they apply to imports and exports are no more stringent than the rules of origin they apply to determine whether or not a good is domestic. This means that Vietnam Domestic Goods are always subject to equal or more stringent rules of origin than those applicable to imports and exports (currently provided in Decree 31 of the Government dated 8 March 2018 detailing the Law on Foreign Trade Management on product origin (Decree 31/2018)).

New Decree on Vietnam Competition Law Sanctions

In September 2019, the Government issued new Decree 75/2019 providing administrative sanctions regarding violation of the Vietnam new competition law. Decree 75/2019 details violation in competition including violation of (a) competition-restricting agreements, (b) abuse of a dominant market position or monopoly position; (c) economic concentration; and (d) unfair competitive practices. Set out below are some notable changes in Decree 75/2019:

Tariff calculation for a coal-fired IPP power project in Vietnam

The method of pricing an electricity power purchase agreement (PPA) is regulated under Circular 56 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) dated 19 December 2014, as amended (Circular 56/2014). Circular 56/2014 will govern PPA of (i) power plants which are not multi-target strategic hydroelectric plants (nhà máy thủy điện chiến lược đa mục tiêu), independent BOT power plants, power plants using renewable energy, and (ii) power plants without a separate mechanism issued by the MOIT.

The unit price in general is comprised of the following component:

Unit Price = Fixed Capacity Price + Fixed O&M Price + Fuel Price + Main Fuel Transport Price

Of which:

  • Fixed Capacity Price is a fixed number which is pre-determined throughout the entire economic life of the project. Fixed Capacity Price is calculated so that the internal of return of the power plant project will not exceed a regulatory rate (i.e. 10% or 12% depends on each case).                        

  • Fixed O&M Price is the fixed operation and maintenance price, which is the aggregate of (i) fixed price for major repair, equipment and service costs; and (ii) fixed price for employment costs. A change in inflation will be reflected in the calculation of the electricity price. However, the change is capped at 2.5% per year which is lower than the normal annual inflation rate in Vietnam.

  • Fuel Price is a variable number which is the aggregate of coal price component, DO fuel price component, limestone price component, miscellaneous price component (if any).

  • Main Fuel Transport Price is a variable number depending on the contract year transport price (if any).