Will break time within a normal work shift be excluded from the overtime calculation?
Decree 145/2020 of the Government clarifies several contents of the Labor Code 2019. One notable point is the guidance on how to calculate the overtime (OT) cap. Specifically, under Article 60.5 of Decree 145/2020, “break time within a work shift will be deducted when calculating the monthly or yearly overtime hours” (“Exemption”). Without further clarification on this provision, it is however unclear how to interpret this Exemption in practice.
Example: A company organizes for its employees to work under the shift pattern of 12 hours/shift (7.00am-7.00pm; 7.00pm-7.00am). For each shift, 10 hours are considered as normal working time, and the remaining 2 hours are overtime. Within a shift, the employees shall be entitled to 60 minutes of break falling within first 10 normal working hours. Will 60 minutes of break be excluded from the total monthly or yearly OT cap of an employee under Article 60.5 above?
Based on Article 60.5 of Decree 145/2020, there may be two different interpretations on the calculation of OT in this case.