Net neutrality in Vietnam

Net neutrality became a hot topic after the F.C.C approved net neutrality in the US earlier this week. It may be interesting to look at the situation of net neutrality in Vietnam. There is no clear or specific provision in Vietnamese law which requires an internet service provider to treat all contents transferred by its network equally and not to hinder or slow down applications and services on the internet. However, it may be useful to know that, in Vietnam:


Call center services in Vietnam

A company providing call center services usually performs certain business processes on behalf of the business using the call center (e.g. customer services, or telemarketing). Customers of a call center’s client will be directed to the call center whenever there is a request within outsourced business processes (e.g. making inquiries about goods and services of the call center’s client) and the staff at the call center will handle such request on behalf of the business.