Comparison: Investment inside vs. outside an industrial park/industrial cluster in Vietnam

As Vietnam is on its way to become a new global manufacturing hub, many investors now consider the country as a new destination for their manufacturing business. However, finding the right location to implement the proposed project may be a vexed question.

In general, the following options are available for the investor:

  • Option 1: Acquisition of land inside industrial manufacturing-oriented zones, which include industrial park (IP) and industrial cluster (IC); and

  • Option 2: Acquisition of land outside the industrial manufacturing-oriented zones.

In this article, we discuss and compare the available options based on specific criteria and from both legal and practical perspectives to assist investors in making their best decision.

With respect to the industrial manufacturing-oriented zones, the law distinguishes between IP and IC based on certain criteria. In addition, the legal frameworks applied to investment in the IP and IC may sometimes be different. Accordingly, doing investment inside the IP and IC will be discussed separately as two potential options, where applicable.

The Crime of Fraud And Misuse of Bond Issuance Proceeds in Vietnam

In 2022, Vietnamese authorities brought charges against two principal shareholders of Tan Hoang Minh and Van Thinh Phat for the crime of fraud (Tội lừa đảo) under Article 174 of the Penal Code 2015. Newspaper reports suggest that the relevant individuals have undertaken fraudulent activities in issuing corporate bonds and appropriate the bond issuance proceeds from bondholders. However, to prove that an individual commits a crime of fraud, the authorities would need to produce more evidence to support their cases.

Article 174 of the Penal Code 2015 imposes criminal liability to an individual who appropriates others’ properties by fraudulent means. Based on comments from reputable scholars (link 1, and link 2), the crime of fraud has the following characteristics:

  • Only individuals could be convicted of the crime of fraud. Companies cannot be convicted of this crime. Accordingly, the entities issuing corporate bonds in the above cases cannot be convicted of the crime of fraud;

  • The criminal must have the intention to appropriate properties of other persons. To appropriate a property, the criminal must obtain all three elements of ownership right including right of possession, right to use and right to dispose the property. If the criminal only obtains one or two elements of ownership right then it is not a crime of fraud. In a similar provision, the Penal Code 2015 applies criminal liabilities to a person who borrows monies from other but, among other things, does not repay when the loan is due even though such person has the capacity to repay the loan. This provision suggests that if the loan is not due yet then the act of appropriation might not have occurred. Accordingly, if the bond issued by the relevant issuing entities are not due yet then it is not clear if the bond proceeds can be treated as being appropriated by the relevant individuals;

General Obligations of A Foreign Company Conducting Business in Vietnam’s Cyberspace

Only a limited subset of foreign companies providing services over in Vietnam’s cyberspace are subject to data localisation requirements in Vietnam under the recent Decree 53/2022. However, any foreign company providing services in Vietnam’s cyberspace will need to comply other obligations under the Law on Cybersecurity 2018 and its implementing regulations. These obligations include, among other things, the following:

· To give warnings of the possibility of a loss of cybersecurity during use of the services in cyberspace provided by such enterprise and to provide guidelines on preventive measures;

· To formulate plans and solutions to quickly respond to cybersecurity incidents;

· To immediately deal with any security weaknesses or vulnerabilities, malicious codes, cyberattacks, cyber intrusions/infringements or other security risks;

· When a cybersecurity incident occurs, to immediately implement appropriate emergency plans and response measures, and at the same time provide a report thereon to the Cybersecurity Task Force of Vietnam;

· To apply technical solutions and other necessary measures to ensure security during the process of collecting information;

· To prevent the risk of revelation, damage to or loss of data;


Pending the issuance of a new Circular to replace existing Circular 12/2014 on borrowing and repayment of foreign loans of enterprises, on 30 September 2022 (New Foreign Loan Circular), the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) issued Circular 12/2022/TT-NHNN guiding the management of foreign exchange in respect of the borrowing and repayment of foreign loans by enterprises (Circular 12/2022) which replaced Circular 03/2016/TT-NHNN from 15 November 2022 (as amended) (Circular 03/2016).

Circular 12/2022 is expected to improve the legal framework on enterprises’ borrowing and payment of foreign loans not guaranteed by the Government, simplify the administrative formalities, and provide guidance for certain matters which may be addressed in the New Foreign Loan Circular.

We discuss below some key changes introduced by Circular 12/2022.