On 11 January 2022, the National Assembly passed a new law amending 09 laws, including Public Investment Law, Public-Private Partnership Law, Investment Law, Residential Housing Law, Tendering Law, Electricity Law, Enterprise Law, Law On Special Consumption Tax, and Law On Civil Judgment Enforcement (Law 03/2022). Law 03/2022 will come into effect on 1 March 2022. In this post, we will discuss some new key points of Law 03/2022.
1) Enterprise Law 2020
Change of the term “members of the Members’ Council” into “members of the company”
As discussed before, the Enterprise Law 2020 (Articles 49 and 50) only provides for the rights of members of the Members’ Council, but not the rights of the members of the LLC. And many rights of the members of the Members’ Council should be the rights of the members of the LLC such as rights to subscribe for new capital increase or to receive dividends paid by the LLC. The change of the term “members of the Members’ Council” into “members of the company” in Articles 49 and 50 has successfully resolved this problem, although in other provisions, the Enterprise Law 2020 still does not distinguish between the positions of members of the LLC and members of the Members’ Council of the LLC.
Removal of requirement on signatures of dissenting members on meeting minutes; personal liability of the chairperson and the person writing the minutes
The requirement that meeting minutes of the Members’ Council must include signatures of members who disagree to pass such meeting minutes is now removed.
In addition, in the event that the chairperson of the meeting of the Members’ Council/Board Of Directors or the person writing the minutes refuses to sign the meeting minutes, for such minutes to be effective, the Enterprise Law 2020 no longer requires all attending members of the meetings to sign, and only the signatures of the attending members who agree to pass the minutes are necessary. Also, in such event, the chairperson or the person writing the minutes who refuses to sign such minutes must bear personal liability for any loss arising to the company due to their refusal.