Some issues relating to management of apartment buildings in Vietnam
Owners of apartments in an apartment building in Vietnam must set aside 2% of the purchase price for contribution into the apartment building’s maintenance fund (Quỹ bảo trì) and pay monthly contribution into the apartment building’s operation fund (Quỹ vận hành). The management of an apartment buildings including the maintenance fund and the operation fund will be handled by (1) “the meeting of [owners of] the apartment building”(hội nghị nhà chung cư) (building owner meeting) (2) a building management board selected by the building owner meeting, and (3) a management company selected by the meeting of owners of the apartment building.
Vietnamese law provides for a relatively detailed framework on management of an apartment building. However, several important issues, which are discussed below, are still not adequately addressed:
The residential housing regulations seem to require an apartment building to be managed by a single management company. However, an apartment building usually includes certain commercial components such as office or shopping mall which are managed and operated very differently (e.g., the lifts serving commercial section will be used more extensively that those used for residential section). Accordingly, the combination of management of both residential section and commercial section in one single mechanism could cause conflicts between the apartment owners and the owners of the commercial section.