A Comparison between Vietnam's Commitments in Financial Services under WTO, CPTPP and EVFTA

The full text of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP) and the Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and European Union (EVFTA) have been made available for public information. The table below tries to compare the existing commitments of Vietnam under WTO Agreement, CPTPP and EVFTA Agreement in Financial Services. The comparison is done by Tran Thuy Tien, and Nguyen Bich Ngoc.


  • Vietnam’s specific commitments in financial services are contained in Section II.7 of Schedule CLX – Vietnam (Specific commitments in Services) of the WTO Agreement, Chapter 11 and Annex III (Vietnam) of CPTPP, and Chapter 8 and annex 8-B of the EVFTA. The list below covers specific commitments in specific sub-sectors. But there are commitments which apply to all sectors and are not listed in here.

  • CPC Codes are as used in the Provisional Central Product Classification.

  • No limitation means no limits on national treatments in terms of foreign ownership, form of investment or other restrictions.

  • Unless otherwise indicated in each specific sector or sub-sector, the establishment of branches is unbound.

  • Share acquisition is generally allowed with no foreign ownership limitation for committed sectors and sub-sectors unless otherwise indicated.

Please download the comparison table here.
