The importance of shareholding ownership ratio of a foreign investor in a Vietnamese commercial bank

It is important to determine the shareholding ownership ratio of a foreign investor in a Vietnamese commercial bank (a VN Bank), since:

  • there is different foreign ownership cap applicable to each type of foreign investor in a VN Bank (see here);
  • there are different requirements applicable to a foreign investor in a VN Bank depending on the shareholding ownership ratio of such foreign investor. For example, a foreign investor with 10% or more shareholding ownership must, among other things, have an international credit rating and must have a total assets of US$ 10 billion or more (for investors being financial institutions) or a charter capital of US$ 1 billion or more (for investors being non-financial institutions);
  • there are different approval procedures applicable to a foreign investor acquiring shares in a VN Bank depending on the shareholding ownership ratio that the investor intends to acquire. For example, an acquisition resulting in a less-than 5% shareholding ownership ratio by a foreign investor is not subject to approval by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV). An acquisition resulting in a shareholding ownership ratio between 5% to less-than 10% is subject to an approval procedures different from an acquisition resulting in a a shareholding ownership ratio of more than 10% (see here); and
  • there are different transfer restrictions applicable to a foreign investor in a VN Bank depending on its shareholding ownership ratio. For example, a foreign investor with a less-than 5% shareholding ownership is not subject to any share transfer restriction. A foreign investor with a shareholding ownership ratio between 5% to less-than 10% may transfer shares subject to SBV’s approval for transfer shares by a major shareholder. A 10% or more foreign investor is not allowed to transfer shares for at least three years.

However, determination of the foreign ownership ratio held by a foreign investor in a VN Bank is not always straightforward since the Law on Credit Institution 2010 and Decree 1/2014 may take into account “indirect ownership” (sở hữu gián tiếp) when determining the foreign ownership ratio held by a foreign investor (see here).